Doug Ford throws workers under the bus with “Making Ontario Open for Business Act”

Press Release

October 23, 2018

Media Contact: John Di Nino, 416-938-0746

Toronto, ON – Calling it an attack on working Canadians and their families, the Amalgamated Transit Union Canada condemned Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s government pro-business plan.

“Doug Ford and his provincial government are taking us back to the days when people couldn’t take paid sick leave, get equal pay, earn three weeks of vacation and other basic rights and protections that all workers deserve,” said ATU Canada President John Di Nino. “We condemn this bill as nothing more than a kickback to Ford’s business buddies at the expense of Canadian workers who make our country the proud nation it is.”

The proposed legislation “Making Ontario Open for Business Act” rolls back key provisions of Bill 148, labour legislation providing equal pay for part-time and temporary workers doing the same job as full-time employees, increased vacation, and expanded personal emergency leave to 10 days per year, two of them paid. In addition, the bill cancels the promise of boosting the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

“Doug Ford is throwing workers and their families under the bus with this proposed legislation. Our nation is one of the most progressive in the world and the ATU vows to stop this attempt to roll back the rights workers have fought hard for,” Di Nino continued.