As central Okanagan resident get ready for another work week, their options for commuting will once again be limited. The ongoing transit strike is keeping buses off the roads and making it hard for frequent transit users to reach their destinations.
The strike is now into its eleventh day and there is no end in sight for picketing workers or for transit riders. On Sunday, the union confirmed there are still no talks scheduled between the two sides.
“I wish they would start talking again,” said picketing HandyDART driver, Garth Metcalfe. “I just want to get back to work.”
Picketing workers say they are fighting for their futures.
“If I do get a full time position, I’d like to know that I have a good future laid out for me,” said transit worker Randi Gorcak.
As bus loops remain empty Kelowna’s mayor has entered the fray. On Friday, Colin Basran issued a statement urging the two sides to get back to the bargaining table.