ATU Local 107 and ATU Canada present Godfrey Coutto with cheques for commendable actions

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, ATU Local 107 and ATU Canada presented McMaster student, Godfrey Coutto, with a donation as a token of our appreciation for his wonderful act of compassion. The sum of $2000.00 was proudly given to Coutto, to put towards his education.

The gesture comes after Coutto was recognized for comforting a man with special needs on a Hamilton bus. Robert, a deaf middle aged man with cerebral palsy, boarded the 10 B-Line Express bus, approached Coutto, shook his hand and wouldn’t let go. Robert’s family says his preferred method of communication is touch. Coutto allowed Robert to hold his hands and put his arms around him throughout the 30-minute bus ride.

A fellow passenger posted a photo of this on Facebook, attracting over tens of thousands of likes and shares.

When someone in the community, especially our youth, places Hamilton in the spotlight for such a selfless deed, there is no doubt they deserve all the recognition they get.

Thank you, Godfrey Coutto! May others also be inspired to spread kindness.