ATU Canada Logo Contest!

Brother and Sisters,

During the ATU September Conference in Toronto the Board heard from many of the delegates that they didn’t care for the new colour and logo design for ATU Canada. In response to this, we are holding a contest for a new ATU Canada logo.

The contest is open to all Canadian ATU Members. Anyone interested in participating in the contest is asked to submit their design by January 15, 2016 to

Please provide your full name and local with your submission. Once the contest closes, the concepts will be posted to a voting page. We will forward this link to all presidents to share on their Local websites and social media accounts.

The winner of the contest will receive an iPad (approximate value $500.00). I have attached some of the concept logos provided by Union Strategies Inc. to help you with your own designs. We look forward to receiving your submissions! Good luck!

I remain yours in solidarity,

Paul Thorp
Amalgamated Transit Union Canada (ATU Canada)