February 10, 2017
If it looks like a raid, sounds like a raid and acts like a raid. It is in fact a raid.
The actions of Bob Kinnear was never about Canadians losing their autonomy or a U.S based union trying to take over Canada.
This was about Mr. Kinnear conspiring with another union that wanted to raid local 113 without penalty and Bob getting revenge for not being elected Canadian IVP. He has attempted to sellout his local membership for his own personal gain.
The claims that the International have failed to support the local’s campaigns over the years are yet again another misdirection. When questioned by the media about emails that prove this conspiracy, Bob’s answer was to deny any knowledge of such email. Mr. Kinnear’s campaign is based on fear. Fear of losing our Canadian identity. Fear, that as Canadians we have no control. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The facts are clear. Mr. Kinnear is in breach of multiple Articles of our ATU International Constitution. As a 13-year president, Bob knows the Constitution and the consequences of being in breach of those articles.
For further details contact:
Paul Thorp President ATU Canada