110th Anniversary of the HSR/ATU Transit Strike

ATU Local 107, inviting you to Hamilton City Hall where we will be commemorating the 110th anniversary of a significant historical event in their union – the HSR/ATU Transit Strike.

Back in the early 1900s, a private company, Cataract Power Company, owned HSR and supplied electricity from Brantford to St. Catharine’s including Hamilton at prices well beyond the reach of most residents. A strike in 1906 began when the HSR refused to honour the terms of an arbitration report.

Realizing the important roles that electricity and transit would play in securing the future, 10,000 residents sided with the strikers on November 24th 1906. Their actions drove the political will to create a publicly owned and operated Power and Transit systems through Ontario Hydro.

They recognized the relevance of affordable, reliable Energy and Transit to the economical and sustainable viability of a prosperous future for generations to come.

But now Premier Wynne’s government wants to take us back 110 years and make electricity and transit unaffordable and unsustainable, which is a danger to our economic future.

It’s time to fight back and send a message to all politicians that our vital infrastructure built and paid for by generations of Ontarians is not for sale.

That is why we’re inviting you to join us on Thursday, November 24, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Hamilton City Hall to unite against the privatization of Ontario Hydro and the contracting out of Key Transit Lines through Metrolinx.

For more information, please visit our Facebook event page.
Remember: Public Transit, Public Power!